Twelve years doing this... still fun for me and hope it will be for you, too. The last 3 postings are displayed. After that use arrows to navigate thru all years and months of each year. It's really pretty easy. Dash off a note if something strikes your fancy or rubs up against your ire. New postings 5th, 10th,15th, 20th, 25th & 30th of month.
Listed are the stars for films that have titles of famous places. These titles are only the names of real places with no extra words... for example Sun Valley Serenade could not be an answer because it has the extra word in it. This could be your best score yet, especially if open book. Have a go at it:
We often call men by their last names but rarely do we accord that to women. I guess it doesn't sound quite right. Maybe it's considered disrespectful. We either mention the woman's full name or tag on a Miss, Ms or Mrs. I think the exception is for those tough dames I like so much. When they are formidable and commanding and can more than stand their own ground, they can be addressed by a single last name. And if you know who she is, then you know she can simply be called Stanwyck.
I have actually been seeing so many movies lately that I have to double up on some of them to review. There's been a couple that were so stinky that I won't waste your time raking them over the coals. The two on board today captured my attention due to the leading men, Tom Hardy and Henry Cavill. The guys did not disappoint but I must rant a little about one of their films. Hit the read more button and let's get going.
She might be a forgotten name in some quarters but fans of monster movies will forever remember her as Kay Lawrence in the 1954 film Creature from the Black Lagoon. That film will keep her foremost in the minds of those who pay attention to movie trivia. I thought she was beautiful and talented. It may be that a career was not as important to her as it was to a Davis or Crawford or Hepburn or Stanwyck. Being under contract to Universal-International (as Universal Studios was then called) probably didn't help in elevating her to star status.